Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Understanding Of Integrating Theology And Psychology

David N. Entwistle (2015) shares a life of experiences beginning with the heartbeat of his father who believed that life held a vocation for anyone willing to be a Christian regardless of their field of employment (Entwistle, 2015, xi). This passion begins with the historical framework as well as the philosophical foundations supported by a variety of models of assimilation that accomplish a resolution of ideas throughout David Entwistle’s textbook titled: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity: An Introduction to Worldview issues Philosophical Foundations, and Models of Integration; Third Edition (Entwistle, 2015). As a licensed psychologist Entwistle (2015) shares his (and other scholars throughout history) skills, intellectual integrity, teachings, concepts, research, and reflection questions as a tool throughout his 3rd edition to entice the reader to dig deeper into the understanding of integrating theology and psychology (Entwistle, 2015). The first of four segments dives into the historical perspective with the famous quote from Tertullian (p.8), The Middle Ages, Augustine, Roman Catholic influence and the barbaric bridge between reason and religion is leveled by the awareness that, â€Å"All truth is God’s truth† (Entwistle, 2015, p. 8, 14, 24-25, 41). The genesis of integration and the connection between theology and psychology begins with understanding the secular history of humans and the Creators vantage point of loving His creation (Entwistle,Show MoreRelatedPsychology And Christianity : Integrative Approaches Essay1694 Words   |  7 Pages A 4MAT Review of Entwistle’s Text: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Stacy H. McConville Liberty University Online A 4MAT Review of Entwistle’s Text: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Summary David N. Entwistle in his book titled Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity: An Introduction to Worldview Issues, Philosophical Foundations, and ModelsRead MoreChristian Theology And Psychology Is Necessary859 Words   |  4 Pages as opposed to detrimental. Theology, or more specifically Christianity, and the field of psychology are central ideologies that often call into question the need for unification. The intermingling of the two for certain people is logical; whereas, others view them as absolutely distinct with no benefit of integrating. Either standpoint offers valid claims with both being worthy of examination. The idea of whether or not integrating Christian theology with psychology is necessary is well-stated byRead MoreIntegrative Approaches Of Psychology And Christianity1495 Words   |  6 PagesApproaches to Psychology and Christianity, An Introduction to Worldview Issues, Philosophical Foundations and Models of Integration† is a book written by David N. Entwistle that offers insight and awareness to the relationship between psychology and theology. Psychology and theology share a common interest in the nature and purpose of human beings. This book introduces worldview issues and a philosophical source that provides a framework of the relationship between the science of psychology and ChristianityRead MoreEssay about 4-Mat Review Entwistle1220 Words   |  5 Pages4-MAT Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Shelby Peters Liberty University 4-MAT Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Summary In his book Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, David N. Entwistle explores the necessity of integrating psychology and Christianity, the worldview issues, philosophical foundations, models of integration and discusses the difficulty inRead MoreMcminn 4mat Essay1661 Words   |  7 PagesPsychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling Sondra Rule Liberty University Summary The author of this book Mark McMinn explains how psychology, theology, and spirituality can all be integrated into Christian counseling. He discusses the difference between the three overlapping principles. He wrote this book especially for Christian counselors, pastors, as well as students so that they may clearly understand the meaning of the three principlesRead MoreThe Theories Of The Two Directions Psychology And Theology1268 Words   |  6 PagesEntwistle addresses the concept of the two directions psychology and theology. He addresses the two concepts by bringing in other scholarly professors information and principally integrating it with Christianity. Entwistle description at the beginning of the book was very enlightening. â€Å"The scenario of â€Å"a walk in the woods,† (Entwistle, 2010, p.3) is a psychological theory for life choices. According to Entwistle, he describes the uniqueness that each counselor can bring to their practice. OnRead More4 Mat Revie w Essay1023 Words   |  5 Pages4 MAT Review Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Liberty University Jacqueline Langford 4-MAT Review: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Abstract The integration of psychology and theology has become a hot topic since psychology began to integrate into a new part of society. Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity argue ways that one can embrace psychology into the Christian world. The church has always been a dominant part of society. AsRead More4-Mat-Review1471 Words   |  6 Pages4-MAT-Entwistle Alton Dawson Liberty University 4-MAT-Entwistle Entwistle’s concept on psychology and Christianity allows the student to foster a better understanding the importance of integrating the concepts of science (psychology) and religion. In the book the author’s opinion of integrating psychology and Christianity is displayed to possess the client’s understanding that science and religion when integrated will promote a higher probability of healing. Christianity has been a part ofRead MoreReview of Integrative Approach to Psychology and Christianity by David Entwistle994 Words   |  4 PagesApproaches to Psychology and Christianity: an introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations and models of integration, by David N. Entwistle. As the title states, this book discusses how to integrate psychology and theology. It also dives into to why it is so important to be able to integrate the two. Entwistle explains that just because the two are different does not mean they should be separated and that we have to use both our worldviews. â€Å"Weaving together perspectives from psychology andRead MorePsychology And Christianity By David Entwistle1621 Words   |  7 Pages 4-MAT Review: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Allison McLeod Liberty University â€Æ' Summary The book Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity by David Entwistle, allowed readers to explore a synopsis that addressed worldview issues, theoretical foundations and the models of integration. One subject that I enjoyed reviewing was the comparisons that Enwistle displayed of the relationship of psychology and theology throughout the class text. Additionally, Entwistle

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Beautiful Efficient City Developed in the United States Free Essays

Portland is one of the most beautiful and efficient cities ever developed in the United States. It is surrounded by the rich soil and forestry as well as the mountains and rivers that Oregon has to offer. From personal experiences, I can tell you that it is one of the most breathtaking picturesque places in the Country. We will write a custom essay sample on A Beautiful Efficient City Developed in the United States or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, developers see this place as an asset to their financial prosperity rather than a peaceful place. They want to continue with the latest trend by developing more shopping complexes outside of the city. And not only that but, also destroy historical buildings downtown for an expressway. Oregon†s rich country and growth are becoming a threat to its own well being. That is why it is necessary for Oregon to continue with their zoning laws. In attempt to rescue their city in 1978, they approved the nation†s first directly elected metropolitan government, which coordinated the growth-management plans of three counties and twenty-four municipalities in the Portland metropolitan region. This government set aside an area of 234,000 acres which would be solely used for developing for the next 20 years. Everything else would be left for nature. That government would also look over each development plan in that area before it was constructed. This ensured nothing would be too drastic and ruin the atmosphere of the city. As a matter of fact the city was developed so that no buildings would block the view of Mount Hood, and so that no skyscrapers would run up against the river†s edge. Transportation was another problem for Oregon. The developers were constantly trying to demolish historic buildings to make way for freeways. Mayor Goldschmidt†s response was, â€Å"But in the rush to grab federal highway funds, cities built highways indiscriminately, against their long term interests, paving the way toward decentralization, disinvestment, and ultimate decay (Moe and Wilkie 220). † Instead, Portland wanted to do something else with their funds. Portland did not want little parking lots filling the city from all of the cars coming from the suburbs. Goldschmidt†s words were, â€Å"We have a downtown plan, an economic study, that says don†t have these little, small postage-stamp lots. They†re bad for circulation. They†re bad for air quality. And they frustrate the parkers who expect to find parking when they get to these lots, but there isn†t any there (Moe and Wilkie). † Instead they constructed a fifteen-mile light-rail line to the eastern suburbs in the 1980†³s. It was free for the users in the downtown zone. Within fifteen years, employment rose from under 60,000 in 1970, to over 100,000 in 1995. The restoration of downtown Portland was the key ingredient their success. Owners of downtown structures that were rotting were given a tax break on those buildings in order for the people to be able to afford restoring them. Then one developer and property owner, Bill Naito, donated a huge space of land right downtown for a Saturday Market. This Saturday Market gave people a chance to walk the streets and shop around for art, music, instruments, clothing, and other novelties. It brought the community together. Though sprawl could not be avoided, it is possible to control it. Portland designed its outer suburbs so most things would be in walking distance. This would keep the city clean of autos and congestion. From personal experience I can tell you that Portland is a city worth saving. Its downtown atmosphere welcomes you and gives you a comfortable setting. You can see the wonders of nature and breathe clean air while in the city. Everything is also accessible without a car. These things are not worth throwing away. Developers are trying to erase Portland†s identity and create another no-name metropolis which launders the own developer†s money. It is the same deal with the residents of the north Virginia Piedmont. These Virginians do not need a Disney theme park or the expressway that is attached to it. That historic land is there for a reason, for us to remember our past and keep our identity. When that is destroyed so is our heritage. People need to have pride in their environment, otherwise it will go to waste. Portland takes care of it is people and of its environment. That is why it is such a prosperous community. Many well-respected people have commented on the beauty of the city. Why let it be ruined for large buildings only to be made vacant in a matter of decades? The city has thrived successfully without the aid of major developments, thus demonstrating that major developments are not needed for every city. And Portland is a city that should stay free. How to cite A Beautiful Efficient City Developed in the United States, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Lost World Essay Example For Students

Lost World Essay The Lost WorldThe Lost World by Michael Crichton was a very adventurous and suspenseful book. This book is a perfect addition to Jurassic Park and continues exactly where it left off. It takes place on a remote island not far from Isla Nubar (the last island) and was actually where the dinosaurs where conceived and where they were checked against any diseases before being shipped to the actual park. But after the InGen corporation went bankrupt and their owner suddenly disappeared in the park, this Lost World was left behind because no one really knew about it. Through the story, the ingenious Ian Malcom along with his new friends, Dr. Levine, Arby, Kelly, Eddie Carr, Dr. Thorne, and Sarah Harding, matches wits with the most fearsome of the dinosaurs in their home territory and in his time period. To me, this was the perfect addition to his already fabulous collection of writings. The setting was on a remote island in Costa Rica which is part of a chain of the five islands named somehow after death called Isla Muerte, Isla Matanceros, Isla Pena, Isla Tacano, and of course Isla Sorna. Isla Sorna is the island where it all takes place in an overgrown InGen factory that runs on sulfuric fumes. One quote describing the island was Thorne glimpsed rugged, volcanic terrain, overgrown with dense jungle. This book was actually packed with action, that is what kept me reading it for such long periods at a time. One very adventurous scene was when Sarah and Kelly where chasing after the raptor which had the key wrapped around its mouth. They were now just three feet away. Kelly could smell the animal. It turned its head and snapped at them. Another exciting scene was when Eddie Carr was battling with the raptors on the high hide and lost. One of the raptors caught the strut in its jaws and jerked it hard. Eddie lost his balance, twisted, and fell backward, toppling over the side. Immediately all the animals dropped to the ground. They heard Eddie screaming in the night.The characterization in this story was also excellent, one character that Chrichton went into deep detail was Eddie Carr. Eddie Carr was twenty-four years old, raised in Daly City. Physically, he was dark-haired, compact and strong. His body was thick, the muscles bunched, but his hands were elegant, the fingers long and tapered. The main antagonist in the story was the dinosaurs or Man vs Nature, but since Man actually made these dinosaurs the antagonist could also be Man vs himself. One quote showing the destruction of the dinosaurs was the maiasaur tipped the jeep over. The vehicle crashed over on its side. One of the adults reared up, and stood on the side panels. Its huge feet crushed the vehicle inward. Another interesting scene was with the carnosaurs the striped pattern on their skins was replaced by the leafy pattern of the rhododendrons behind them. Once again the dinosaurs blended into invisibility. One last quote had to deal with yet again, another quarrel with the raptors. Thorne lunged, grabbed the end of the cage nearest him. The cage twisted, rolling Thorne onto his back. He found himself in a tug of war with the raptor-and the raptor was winning.There was little symbolism in this story but one case of it was the hostility the mother and father tyrannosaurs toward Malcom and Sarah s ymbolized their love for their baby tyrannosaur. The female remained with the baby for some moments, moving it, positioning it. Then the female roared and the male roared back. An then both animals charged the trailer at full speed, racing across the clearing toward them. .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 , .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 .postImageUrl , .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 , .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724:hover , .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724:visited , .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724:active { border:0!important; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724:active , .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724 .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uff94abe3007f2b1a226f10a51ffb2724:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alzheimer`s Disease (1466 words) EssayThe authors general view of human nature was greedy I think, and it was visible though Lewis Dogdeson stealing the eggs. Baselton asked Dodgson what kind of dinosaurs are these? and Dodgson said I have no emailprotected#king idea, and it doesnt make a difference, just follow the procedure.This book was very excellent due to Crichtons stupendous writing style. Plus, due to the first book Jurassic Park, The Lost Worlds plot, theme, and characters are all easy to relate to and identify with. I just cant wait until this movie comes to the theaters, because it will be dinosaur mania all over again. Category: English

Saturday, November 30, 2019

John Rawls Philosophy of Liberalism Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction John Rawls have developed a comprehensive theory that can be useful in addressing contemporary issues. One of the major advantages of his theory is that it contains major principles that can be applicable nowadays.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on John Rawls’ Philosophy of Liberalism: Strengths and Weaknesses specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rawls’ philosophy can be used when addressing the contemporary issues associated with unequal distribution of resources. It is also necessary to note that Rawls’ philosophy of liberalism is based on principles of justice, but there are still certain weaknesses in the theory. Strengths of Rawls’ Philosophy As has been mentioned above the philosophy can have specific implications in the contemporary society. The major strength of the philosophy is that it provides people with a specific tool to avoid any bias. The â€Å"veil of ignorance † is an effective way to develop certain principles to govern a society (Shaw Barry, 2012). Thus, people will never create an authoritarian society as the odds to be in the unfavorable position are too high. Thanks to the veil of ignorance, people will try to create the society where the less well-to-do people will have all possible rights. Apart from rights, these groups of people will have numerous opportunities, which will secure realization of potential of the most active and gifted people.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Admittedly, the present philosophy can become a good solution to the existing issues associated with unequal distribution of resources. Now less well-to-do people have few opportunities compared to more well-to-do groups. Notably, this is one of the major issues associated with unequal distribution of resources which leads to gradual degradation as only r estricted number of innovation occurs. Rawls’ philosophy addresses the problem of the lack of opportunities. Another strength of the philosophy is that it does not ignore inequality which is a characteristic feature of the human society. On the contrary, Rawls justifies it and even proves that inequality is one of the factors contributing to development of the human society. Rawls develops a model of society where the least well-to-do groups will have more resources, rights and opportunities than those in an imaginary society where all are equal. Therefore, there is no need in trying to diminish inequality, which is simply impossible. According to Rawls’ philosophy, people can focus on creating a society where inequality is a tool of development. The Major Weakness of Rawls’ Philosophy As has been mentioned above, there is certain weakness in the philosophy. Thus, there are quite few tools to maintain the new order. According to Rawls’s philosophy, equali ty is impossible as people are ‘victims’ of a â€Å"genetic lottery† (Shaw Barry, 2012, p. 126). Some people will inevitably accumulate more resources and there is no guarantee that these people will remain following the principles worked out. More well-to-do-people can deprive less well-to-do people of their rights and, more importantly, opportunities.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on John Rawls’ Philosophy of Liberalism: Strengths and Weaknesses specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion It is possible to note that Rawls’ philosophy can be applicable in the contemporary world as it addresses major issues associated with unequal distribution of resources. Justification of inequality can be regarded as one of the major strengths of the philosophy. At the same time, the absence of tools to maintain the created society is one of its major weaknesses. Of course, the philosophy has strengths and weaknesses, but it is important to note that it is a valuable source of knowledge that can be used to address major issues associated with unequal distribution of resources in the contemporary world, which leads to certain degradation of the human society. Reference List Shaw, W.H. Barry, V. (2012). Moral issues in business. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing. This essay on John Rawls’ Philosophy of Liberalism: Strengths and Weaknesses was written and submitted by user Helen Lamb to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Challenges of Malaysian Labour Market Essays

Challenges of Malaysian Labour Market Essays Challenges of Malaysian Labour Market Essay Challenges of Malaysian Labour Market Essay Introduction Labour market is a key issue for many developing as well as developed countries. Whether the people are skilled or unskilled is determining factor for the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDIs) to many developing nations. So, Malaysia depended on its abundant supply of literate and trainable labour force to attract investments in the export-oriented electronics industry since the early 70s’. This labour force has gone through skilled upgrading and enhancement in the past three decades and today, Malaysia can boast of having a pool of relatively skilled and professional labour force that is capable of handling and developing state-of-the-art technologies. Despite these accomplishments, human labour which was and remains the key factor in driving Malaysia’s economic growth. In charting the growth path for the first decade of the 21st century, Malaysia decided to engage in global information economy. As the Ex-Prime Minister Tun Datuk Dr. Mahathir Mohamad emphasised (Malaysia 2001a), â€Å"†¦, the force of globalization, liberalization and information and communications technology have fundamentally changed the rules and nature of global trade, resource flows and competition. Obviously, the world is changing, the new event happen will affect labour market, and Government continue to face many challenges. In this paper researchers will examines the challenges of the global economy lie ahead of Malaysian labour market. And researchers know that the countries that are able to face to the challenges will grow in success, while those failing to do so will decrease the speed of development. Discussion Section Structure of Labour  Force in Malaysia Since 1970, Malaysia has seen many changes. There have been reductions in poverty levels, improved health conditions and significant gains in per capita income. The Gross National Product per capita in 1998 prices increased 223% from RM2,414 in 1970 to RM7,794 in 1998 (Malaysia, 2003). The unemployment rate which in 1970 was 8. 1% declined to 3. 5% in 2004. This successful growth path has been achieved with the context of the need to achieve national unity and reduce poverty (Economic Report, 2004/2005). The direction of policies has been regularly redefined as required, from economic growth with social reengineering has succeed in bringing about gains for the Bumiputra community especially in reducing in identification of ethnicity with occupations (Nagaraj and Lee, 2003). The policy has worked, in large part due to expansion of opportunities for education, even though the Bumiputra population has increased faster than that the other ethnic groups between 1970 and 2005. Economic growth has been accompanied by rising living standards, greater urbanization and access to health and education, and an improvement in the distribution of income, ameliorating the twin problems of poverty and racial imbalances. The performance has been particularly remarkable after 1987 when the economy achieved above 7% growth in seven consecutive years reaching virtual full employment by 1995. With this background Malaysia now aspires to become a fully developed economy by 2020 (Athukorala and Menon, 1996). In the 1970s, the primary source of wealth for economy has thus seen diversification from agriculture and mining to include manufacturing and services today. Employment is expected to grow at an average rate of 1. 9% per annum, contributing 1. 1 million jobs during the Ninth Malaysia Plan period, particularly those requiring tertiary education. The economy is expected to maintain full employment with the unemployment rate at 3. 5% in 2010 (Ninth Malaysia Plan, 2006). The structural changes observed in the economy are reflected in the changes in the labour force (Nagaraj and Lee, 2003). There has been a shift as well to occupations requiring greater education levels. In 1970, 49% of the workforce comprised agricultural workers, 33% clerical, sales, and services workers, 13% production workers, and 5% professional, technical and administrative workers. In 2000, only 18% of the agriculture workers, 34% clerical, sales and services workers, 33% production workers, and 19% professional, technical and administrative workers. The Challenges in Labour Force of Malaysia Education and skill attainment The quality of the labour force will be improved with the increasing share of the labour force with educational attainment at tertiary level to meet the demand of a knowledge-based economy (Ninth Malaysia Plan, 2006). One area of growing concern is the disproportionately low percentage of males at higher levels of education and interaction her with ethnicity (Nagaraj and Lee, 2002). The overall labour force participation rate (LFPR) is expected to be 67. 3% in 2010 with the LFPR for male at 87. 4% and female LFPR at 46. 3% in 2010. The labour force is estimated to increase to 12. million in 2010 (Ninth Malaysia Plan, 2006). Another stems from preferences for education and work, there are of course factors besides education that shape the occupational distribution patterns of males and females-these include aptitude, tastes, economic factors and gender discrimination.  But importantly, to the extent that women prefer not to go into science based fields, there may be shortage of workers with the requisite level of education; the emerging pattern suggests a strong link between development and education of women, but not between the development and the number of women scientist (Nagaraj, 2001). There is therefore a need encourage girls to graduate in sciences and encourage boys to further their education. Human Resource Development A strong human resource base to support the development of a knowledge-based economy and enhance productivity and competitiveness will be one of the key strategies in ensuring that the nation is able to face the challenges of the globalization and sustain economic growth (Ninth Malaysia Plan, 2006). Therefore, the Government will take initiatives to encourage firms to intensify the implementation of the productivity-linked wage system (PLWS) o ensure that wage movements are closely aligned with productivity. But the firms have to meet some challenges during implementation, companies are aware that PLWS is important for enhancing competitiveness. However, to ensure smooth transition of the system, there must be a strong commitment and cooperation from top management and employees. Information sharing of relevant information pertaining to the system by management is necessary to ensure the system works (Economic Report, 2004/2005). And also it should be a fair and equitable performance measurement system. The system is able to be reviewed periodically and improvements made when necessary (Economic Report, 2004/2005). Thus, if the companies implement the PLWS, the measurement system and the key indicators to be used should be collectively developed by both employers and employees and agreed upon by both parties (Economic Report, 2004/2005). Employment Restructuring As the implementation of strategies and programmes to restructure employment in the various sectors and occupations will continue to be undertaken. Measures will be taken to improve the balance of Bumiputra and non-Bumiputra employment in both the public and private sectors (Ninth Malaysia Plan, 2006). This will require concerted efforts of both the Government and the private sector. Previously, the concentration of non-Bumiputra in the private sector and the Bumiputra in the public sector has been change. Recently, there are increasingly the intakes of Bumiputra in the private sector in management and supervisory positions as well as in their businesses. The Government will endeavour to increase the participation of non-Bumiputra at all levels of the police, army and in the education fields. In this way, all the activities in the community will be reflective of the various races of Malaysia. Thus education and training will still be an important vehicle to achieve the employment restructuring objectives (Ninth Malaysia Plan, 2006). In this regard, more places will be made available for qualified Bumiputra students in public and private institutions of higher learning, particularly in science, ICT and other professional courses. At the same time, attention will also be given towards improving the performance of Bumiputra students especially in Science, Mathematics and the English language, through more effective teaching methods, a better provision of educational facilities and the establishment of more residential schools (Malaysia, 2003). Financing will be provided to the Bumiputra to assist them to pay the higher fees in the private institutions. Migrant workers Migrant workers have added to the challenges of maintaining industrial harmony. As Malaysia has a long history of using foreign labour, at first introduced in post-independence Malaysia in the early 1970s in response to labour shortages in the plantation industries. Since then certain sectors of the economy, especially plantation and construction, have received a great number of foreigner workers, and some sectors appear to be dependent on them, foreign workers were 7. 8% of the labour force in 2000 (Malaysia, 2001b). Now, Malaysia continues to remain attractive to foreign workers, the total number of registered foreign workers increased by 10. 2% to reach 1. 62 million. The majority of foreign workers are from Indonesia (69. 4%), followed by Nepal (10. 2%), India (6. 2%), and Vietnam (4. 6%), in addition, there are between 500,00 and 800,000 illegal or undocumented foreign workers in Malaysia (Hamid; Ninth Malaysia Plan, 2006). Nevertheless, especially for the manufacturing sector, the need to compete effectively in the global economy has led to observable changes in the economy. There is an increasing focus on product quality and more differentiated demand for products, resulting in shift from mass production to flexible specialisation (Economic Report, 2004/2005). There is a shift to higher value-added, less labour incentive production, even as low value-adding, labour-incentive production is moving form Malaysia to other low labour cost countries, or using foreign labour which is lower cost. So migrant workers have added to the challenge of maintaining industrial harmony, their wages are contractual, and when wages differ between the local and foreign workers, there have been disputes. Migrant workers are also from particular countries, and sometimes bring with them their inter-ethnic tensions and biases, leading to melees. As a result of labour migration, the resulting diversity of the workforce may also compound the nature of wage negotiation and contractual arrangements. In addition, there have been arguments that their presence has led to depressed wages. It has long been argued that the problems caused by migrant workers are greater than their benefits (Azizah, 1998), but the needs of business in the light of a tight labour market have always been greater priority. Thus the challenge has arisen. Conclusion In this paper, the researchers have highlighted some of the challenges for Malaysia in the light of its commitment to take growth path of globalization. These include developing a workforce with the necessary skills, equipping the existing workforce with necessary skills addressing the problems arising from the use of foreign workers, enhancing the improved worker protection. In the short run appropriate legislation needs to be put in place to allow for a diversity of working arrangements while providing adequately for worker’s protection. In the long run, there is a need to review the way education is delivered, so that schools become the great equaliser that they are meant to be by providing the entire right educational environment in which to succeed. Researchers believe that all the challenges that has been planned and predicted by the Government will be solved successfully and the labour market can become more healthy and stable. References Azizah Kassim (1998), â€Å"Immigrant workers and the informal sector in West Malaysia: A case study of the Indonesia worker in Kula Lumpur. In current issues in Labour Migration in Malaysia, University Of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur: pp 232-254. Athukorala PM and Menon J (1996), â€Å"Globalization, Employment and Equity: The Malaysian Experience†, ILO, Bangkok, June. Economic Report (2004/2005), Kuala Lumpur: Percetakan National Malaysia. Hamid H (2006), â€Å"Foreign Labour Dilemma†, New Straits Times, 25 Sept. Ninth Malaysia Plan 2006-2010 (2006), Kuala Lumpur Inagami T (1998), â€Å"Labour market policies in Asian countries: Diversity and similarity among Singapore, Malaysia,the Republic of Korea and Japan† , ILO: EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PAPERS.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Pangrams and Lipograms

Pangrams and Lipograms Pangrams and Lipograms Pangrams and Lipograms By Maeve Maddox Ive long known that the sentence The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog contains every letter of the alphabet. What I didnt know is that such a sentence has a special name. Its a pangram. pangram from the Greek pan every, and gramma letter also called a holoalphabetic sentence; a sentence or (occas.) verse, containing every letter of the alphabet (OED). A perfect pangram would contain each letter only once and wouldnt make much sense. For example: Jink cwm, zag veldt, fob qursh pyx A lipogram is a sentence that is missing one or more letters. lipogram from a Greek word meaning to be lacking (no relation to liposuction in which the lipo is from a word for fat) The OED definition is a composition from which the writer rejects all words that contain a certain letter or letters. One Christmas I received a card from a friend with a droll sense of humor. It took me a while to figure it out. Although it is not a sentence, I think that it can count as a lipogram. Heres the message that was inside the card: a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Hint: Whats another word for Christmas? See the fascinating Wikipedia List of pangrams Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to KnowLatin Plural EndingsPrepositions to Die With

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reading response 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading response 3 - Assignment Example Skinner links human’s usage of words with external events like a person will always use appreciative words on seeing a beautiful picture. However, Chomsky has heavily criticized Skinner’s explanation of language since how a person will react to an event depends on the person’s perspective. For instance, a picture which seems beautiful to someone may seem hideous to another person. Chomsky has mostly rejected Skinner’s work by arguing that the latter’s experiments on animals are not relevant to the concept of language (Aitchison, 2011, pp.7-23). The eighth chapter is based on Chomsky’s views on transformational grammar. For an alien to learn the language of humans at first it may seem that the easy way is to memorize all sentences that one may hear. However, this is a completely disastrous method of learning language since in this method one is not trying to understand any patterns in the words within a sentence. In any given situation, uttering sentences with words without understanding the meaning will solve no problem. Moreover, a sentence can be too long for memorizing. The important thing is to focus on the rule in which a speaker utters words in a sentence since a language is structured with words. Chomsky has talked about transformations which links the hidden structure and the surface structure of sentences. He has also stated that there is no concrete set of rules to decide which sentences are permissible in English (Aitchison, 2011, pp.170-186). The tenth chapter deals with how human beings deal with sound in general and provides a framework of speech perception. Earlier, psycholinguists believed that to understand language one just needs to link words with sounds uttered by the speaker. However, this fingerprint approach has been rejected by modern psycholinguists for three reasons. Firstly, the speed with which a speaker utters words cannot be possible for the listener to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Chapter 1 & 2 assignments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chapter 1 & 2 assignments - Assignment Example However, instead of viewing project management as either successful or unsuccessful, stakeholders in the decision-making process should come to the appreciation of the fact that regardless of how successful the firm or company in question might be, there is always the potential for improving processes and effecting necessary changes on project management. Essentially, a hybrid organization is one that mixes different elements. Not surprisingly, within the hybrid model, elements of project driven and non-project driven are duly manifest. For instance, an IT firm that might exhibit a hybrid organizational approach could necessarily exhibit project driven metrics with respect to issues pertaining to development of new software etc. However, by means of comparison and contrast, other aspects of management could easily be considered as non-project driven. Likewise, non project driven management is an approach by which ultimate culpability for decision making, or results, is sometimes ambiguous. Moreover, in a non project driven system, it is unlikely that any necessarily high level of emphasis would be placed on the need for project management whatsoever. In seeking to answer why there are still cost overruns with respect to the industries of aerospace and defense, even though they had been exhibiting effective levels of project management for decades now, it is necessary to understand the nature of these industries and seek to place the blame for cost overruns where it truly belongs. Although it is doubtless the case that there are certain examples by which poor project management has effected a large cost overrun, the reason for why these cost overruns are oftentimes exhibited is contingent upon changes to technology. Within the aerospace and defense sectors, even a minute changes in technology can render prior research and development as effectively useless. As such, the need to change course and adapt to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Essay About Literature Essay Example for Free

Essay About Literature Essay Literature is timeless, it endured all the changes of the past and is still is being appreciated till the present time and will still be as time goes by.  Literature exists in every country, in every language, and in every period but each has its own uniqueness that stands out for their styles. It exceeds time; literary works of famous people regardless of what period in time they came from is still being appreciated, if not more than when the period it is from. Literary works from the early periods had undergone different adaptations by the later periods to preserve the author’s great work, the ideas, and the creativity they instil in every words to make it live through time. There is a purpose for reading literary works – to entertain and educate its readers or audience. Reading, for example, a novel is just like watching a movie in a very slow pace; reading can make you cry, laugh, smile, get angry and whatnot just like watching a movie; reading lets us imagine the characters, the settings, and what happens in the story. As it entertains us, it also educates us and teaches us about life experiences that we might encounter, and the morals that we should possess. Other literary works inform us about happenings in daily life which also falls in educating the readers. There are different types of literary works, it doesn’t just end with reading materials, and it can also be in a form of a song and a play. It can be performed in front of people or just enjoyed by oneself; it has different genres to offer to different interests of people. Literature is everywhere and in any time and it knows no bounds.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Crude Oil Essay -- Papers

Crude Oil Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbon molecules formed over millions of years when the remains of microscopic sea creatures trapped in sediments were converted by heat and pressure into crude oil. The most abundant of these mixtures are the ones containing hydrogen and carbon only. These hydrocarbons can take on a number of different forms, i.e. alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. They vary in size and shape and viscosity. By manipulating these chains of hydrocarbons you can create any number of useful substances as they are very adaptable. However there are lots of compounds that also contain some of the following; oxygen, sulphur or nitrogen. The purer hydrocarbon compounds are the most required for these produce a higher temperature when they are burned which is the primary use for it as it generates an excess amount of energy when burned and therefore is a useful fuel. The other compounds with sulphur or nitrogen also have a high energy when burned but they have a negative side-effect as they make sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide when burned and these compounds contribute towards acid rain. Crude oil has to be refined by fractional distillation to separate the short productive hydrocarbon chains from the longer, less useful ones before the compounds can be put to good use. Fractional distillation is a technique that relies on the difference in boiling points of the chains of hydrocarbons to separate them. It is so specific that it can separate the substances from each other even when there is only a small amount of difference between the boiling points of the substances. The crude oil is heat... ...ne, which are used to manufacture chemicals. Or the residual from the distillation tower is heated 482Â °C, cooled with gas oil and rapidly burned in a distillation tower. This process reduces the viscosity of heavy weight oils and produces tar. The other method of cracking is called Catalytic Cracking and it uses a catalyst to speed up the cracking reaction. Catalysts include zeolite, aluminium hydrosilicate, and bauxite. The hydrocarbons (only from the oil fraction) are heated in the same way but the catalyst speeds up the reaction by lowering the boiling point of the substance and allowing high molecular mass alkanes to break into many low molecular mass alkanes and some alkenes. Because the bond breaking happens randomly, many different forms of the substances are made, i.e. cyclo or branched isomers.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Various Architecture Problems

Undertaking 1: A ) Identify Three ( 3 ) different types of edifice: 1.Residential – A residential edifice is a constructed for residential tenancy and can suit a person’s to populate in. There are a few types of residential edifice such as flat set of room fitted particularly with housekeeping. Then Condominium besides included as a type of ownership in existent belongings where all of the proprietors own the belongings, common countries and edifices together, with the exclusion of the inside of the unit to which they have title. Following townhouse is similar to condo in that each abode is attached to next abodes. Figure 1 ( A ) 2.Non-Residential -Non-residential edifices use some intent other than residential. Non-Residential are edifices other than homes, including fixtures, installations and equipment that are built-in parts of the constructions and costs of site clearance and readying. Non-residential edifices comprise.Example include commercial such as is abuildingthat is used for commercial concern intents, Educational Buildinga edifice designed for assorted activities in a primary, secondary, or higher educational system such as school and college. Then Manufacturing edifice are include as a non-residentialis the edifice for production of goods for usage or sale. 3.Industry Building -Industrial edifices are frequently a warehouse or other big. Industrial edifice designed to house industrial operations and the provide necessary status for work and the operation of industrial equipment. Industrial edifices has been grown up with fast long times ago in the universe. There are a few industrial edifices such as mill, refinery, factory and others. Industrial edifice by and large have skeletons in the form of cross frames, with Colum embedded in the foundation and balk beam or trusses hinged to the Colum. Figure 3 ( A ) B ) Select One type of edifice in undertaking 1 ( a ) , place and depict Two constituent of infrastructure and superstructure of the selected edifice. Residential Building -Residential Buildings is an of import thing of all. Residential edifice is a edifice that is occupied by all the people all the clip. Residential edifice is besides really fast turning but non in Malaysia but around the universe. Custom residential edifices will be sold or rented to those in need through the building companies or agents that have been registered. Residential edifice included such as cottage, patio house, flat and condominium. Infrastructure: -Substructure is a last support part of a construction. Basically a construction located that inside the land degree such as foundation. A foundation is hence that portion of the construction which is in direct contact with the land to which the tonss are transmitted. Foundation -Ensure that the structural tonss are transmitted to the undersoil safely, economically and without any unacceptable motion during the building period and throughout the expected life of the edifice or construction. Figure 1 ( B ) Superstructure: -Superstructure is an drawn-out portion of the infrastructure. A construction that stands above the land degree and the floor degree is known as pedestal. Plinth is hence defined as the part of the construction between the surface of environing land and surface of the floor. Floor -floor is that portion of a edifice on which furniture, family, commercial and others. Floor is used for walking about and besides strength and stableness to utilize. There are a few types floor such as solid lumber floor, timber laminated floor and concrete floor ( Solid Ground Floor ) Figure 2 ( B ) Roof -Roof is made to cover room from upper face. Different types of roofs are used in constructing depending on the location and roof besides give a protective covering to the edifice, so rain, air current or snow may non damage the edifice. Figure 2 ( C ) C ) Explain the characteristic and map ( s ) of each edifice constituent that has been province in Task 1 ( B ) -The characteristic and maps of floor is the floor surface of a edifice site which receives all the activities and other tonss.The building floor shall hold safety characteristics and comfort. Shocking normally consists of a figure of base bed, bed of sand, concrete liner and coating coatings. Stability should be included on the floor. The stableness of the floor doing it a robust construction. The following is floor should besides dwell from floor strength besides to suit unrecorded burden. Comfort is besides of import to do certain the temperatures either hot or cold. Then the characteristic and maps of the roof is to give a protective covering to the edifice, such as rain, air current or snow may non damage the edifice. Following conditions opposition is required to protect a edifice from the damaging. Structural stableness besides could be supplying support for the roof. Supply good visual aspect might be a major ocular component in the design of a edifice. Undertaking 2: A ) Define dirt probe -Soil probe is of primary importance in the building sector. It is necessary before constructing a new construction to forestall the failure of the foundations at a ulterior phase. Bearing capacity of dirt and the dirt must be established to find whether the stableness of the foundation can be obtained. Soil of probe is of paramount importance for building undertaking. B ) Briefly explain Two ( 2 ) types of dirt simple -Disturbed dirt Samples Disturbed dirt samples, as their name implies, are samples taken from the drilling tools. Examples are auger slivers, the contents of the split-spoon sampling station in the standard incursion trial, sludge from the shell or wash-water return, or manus sample dug from test cavities. Disturbed samples are usually used for the finding index belongingss of the dirt such as the unit weight and specific gravitation. The sample besides used for categorization trial such as screens and gravimeter analysis to obtained the atom size distribution and Waterberg bound trials to happen the consistence of cohesive dirt. -Undisturbed Soil Samples Undisturbed dirt samples, obtained by driving a thin-walled tubing into the dirt, represent every bit closely as is operable the true unmoved construction and H2O construction and H2O content of the soil.it is of import non to overdrive the sampling station as this compresses the contents. It should be recognized that no sample taken by driving a tubing into the dirt can be genuinely undisturbed. Undisturbed samples are needed for more sophisticated laboratory trial such as shear strength, include the unconfined compaction trial, direct shear or shear box trial and Trixie trial under unconsolidated untrained ( UU ) , amalgamate untrained ( CU ) , and consolidated drained conditions ( Cadmium ) . C ) Soil drilling are the most common method of subsurface geographic expedition in the field. Briefly explain THREE ( 3 ) types of drillings. ( 1 ) Percussion Boring Boring: -Percussion Drilling is the procedure of doing boreholes by striking the dirt so taking it. The tools are repeatedly dropped down the borehole while suspended by wire from the power windlass. Meanwhile, H2O is circulated to convey the dirt film editings to the land surface. A shell and a pump are required to go around the H2O. ( 2 ) Rotary Boring Boring: -Rotary Drilling uses rotary motion of the drill spot with the coincident application of force per unit area to progress the hole. In this procedure a hole is made by rotary motion a hollow steel tubing holding a cutting spot at its base. The cutting spot makes an annulate cut in the strata and leaves a cylindrical nucleus of the stuff in the hollow tubing. This method is the most rapid method of progressing a hole in dirt and stone. Boring clay may be needed to forestall dirt cave-in. ( 3 ) Hand/Mechanical Auger Boring: -Hand plumber's snakes may be used for tiring to a deepness of about 6m. power plumber's snakes may be used for tiring to a deepness of approximately 10 to 30 m. Next, as the hole is tiring a short distance, the plumber's snake may be lifted to take dirt. The removed dirt can be used for field categorization and research lab testing, but it must non be considered as an undisturbed dirt sample. Power plumber's snake set with a drill rig can be used to obtain samples from deeper strata. Undertaking 3 A ) Describe with the assistance of studies the anatomy of the lumber: 1 ) Bark: -Hard outer covering. -Protect tree from harm. 2 ) Bast: -Layer surrounds the cambium. -Carries nutrient made from foliages to the other portion of the workss. 3 ) GROWTH RINGS: -Annual rings. -Each pealing one twelvemonth grown. 4 ) Beam: -Convey nutrient from the blast into the cambium bed to sapwood to heartwood. 5 ) Sapwood: -Newly formed portion of the tree. -Cells carry H2O and minerals to subdivisions and foliages. 6 ) Heartwood: -Provides useable lumber for building ( difficult, strong, and lasting ) . -Gives support to the tree. 7 ) Pith: -Centre of the bole. -Consists of soft, dead cells from original sapling. B ) Discuss the THREE ( 3 ) factors that will impact strength and lastingness of lumber. Factors that will impact strength and lastingness of lumber are due to natural factors. The temperature can besides impact the strength and lastingness of wood. lumber that has been cut can non be left at high temperatures because it could impact the opposition of wood Example, the grains are way of wood cell and the longitude axis of a lumber that were swan and this can give an consequence to the strength of a lumber. Following, Factors act uponing the humidness changes the wood and adhesive strength. Visibility between wood and adhesive are affected by wet content. Following factors is will give affect is transition defect it usually, cause by human such as hapless drying and hapless film editing. Following is deterioration defect Reproduction by spores and the favourable status for it growing is where the topographic point have a good temperature, O and wet. Higher wet content will cut down strength and lastingness and cause lumber to disintegrate. Densities besides give consequen ce to strength and lastingness due to dense microstructure. C ) With the assistance of studies, briefly explain the THREE ( 3 ) types of lumber defect – A defect of lumber is any abnormality looking in or on the lumber that may cut down its strength or lastingness if used for building work. It may happen in the lumber during fending or flavoring. Defect can sort three types such as natural defect, transition defect and impairment. Natural defect: Nature defect it’s the grains are way of wood cell and the longitude axis of a lumber that were swan. This can give an affects to the strength of a lumber. Conversion defect: Normally, cause by human. Example hapless drying and hapless film editing. Deterioration defect: Reproduction by spores and the favourable status for it growing is where the topographic point have a good temperature, O and wet included dry putrefaction ( most common and fungous onslaught ) and wet putrefaction ( become toffee, lose strength and crumble ) . Undertaking 4:Describe and discourse about the choice of the roof system:– The roof system for a cottage is level roof. This is because to cover a level or low-pitched roof. This is normally known as a membrane and the primary intent of these membranes is to waterproof the roof country. Besides, these roofs are found in traditional edifices in parts with a low precipitation. Modern stuffs which are extremely impermeable to H2O do possible the really big low-pitch roofs found on big commercial edifices. Materials that cover level roofs typically let the H2O to run off from a little disposition or camber into a trough system. Water from some level roofs such as on garden sheds sometimes flows freely off the border of a roof, though gutter systems are of advantage in maintaining both walls and foundations dry. The Philosophy behind the selected roof system:-I had purpose utilizing level roof because there are plentifulness of advantages. The advantages utilizing level roof. The most obvious advantage is that they are easier to mount and inspect. These roofs offer more stableness than sloped roofs. Flat roofs are besides cheaper to re-coat and put in so their aslant opposite numbers. With proper attention, level roofs are durable and easier maintain.Sketch the subdivision of the foundation, land beam and floor of the edifice, and besides roof beam and roof system of the edifice:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Global Perspectives Essay

1. Globalization can be demonstrates a way towards a well-developed economy, cultural, political and technological interdependence through the national institution and economics. As countries reduce barriers to trade and investment, globalization force their industries to grow more competitive if they want to survive. Globalization is different from internationalization but it is characterized by denationalization. When the internationalization is higher in a country it can import and exports good, services, money and people across the national borders of the company. 2. Globalization of markets can be demonstrated as covering buyer preferences in markets around the world. This method covers in many products such as consumer goods, industrial products and business services. The globalization of markets is important to international business because it offers some benefits for these companies. There are few benefits have been described in follow. * Firstly it reduces marketing costs. This has mainly focused on companies which sell Global products, it can reduce the cost by standardizing their certain market activities. * Another benefit is it creates new market opportunities, because of this a global product can explore opportunities abroad if the home market is small or becomes saturated. * Levels uneven income streams, Accompany which sell their products all over the world, but seasonal appeal can use international sales to level its income stream. 3. Technology speed up the globalization process by introducing new technological aspects to the society. It ease the people to communicate with in the country and make and effect toward the globalization. Introducing new technological instruments encourage the community to use the new aspects and survive the need of the society. Introducing new technology low the barriers of the culture in a country it encourage the community to explore the world as it knows as globalization. As an example wireless internet connection has changed the world. Anyone can explore the world by their smart phone tablet etc. that speed us toward globalization of the country. Task 2 * I interviewed a security officer. His age is 43 and he got this job when he is 21. He has been given his service to the company for 22 years. * Before 22 years ago he had to travel 2 hours towards his working place because the condition of the train system is different from present. * In his working place 20 years ago if an employee, employer or a customer entered to the office this security officer had to check his bag manually by opening all the pockets of the bag, he had to check his all the belongings and he had check his clothes. * Then he had to write down the name and the Id number of the person. But in present these whole process is done by machinery. * Now this security officer has to look at the computer screen in his office computer and check all these things. * If there is anything suspicious the computer will identify it immediately. * Then he has to type the ID number of the person in the computer all the detail will come to the screen with in few seconds. * This demonstrates the way how technological improvements have changed the way the security officer work compared with 22years ago.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Why Were British Forces Militarily Superior To American Forces In The

Why Were British Forces Militarily Superior To American Forces In The Why Were British Forces Militarily Superior To American Forces In The First Years Of The War How – Coursework Example American and British Strengths and Weaknesses al affiliations This essay analyzes the main strengths and weaknesses of American and British forces during the American Revolution. Key words: American forces, British forces, Revolution, war.American and British Strengths and Weaknesses Despite the superiority of British military forces in the 18th century, the Americans were able to win the war â€Å"for their rights, their independence, and their liberty† (â€Å"The American Revolution.†). How did this happen? What helped American nation to prevail over the British Empire, the dominant European power? There were many reasons for such an outcome. Both sides had advantages and disadvantages. In April 1775, when the war started, the odds were against American forces. Britain had larger population, trained and experienced army, allies, and wealth. According to â€Å"The American Revolution.†, â€Å"Britain’s military was the best in the world. Their soldiers w ere well equipped, well disciplined, and well fed.† Funds were used to hire mercenaries from other countries to fight the Americans. What is more, most Americans did not want to fight, and they were hoping to settle all controversial issues peacefully. British Empire maintained its position until 1777. But American leaders were qualified, clever and high-principled. The battle of Saratoga was crucial. It helped Patriots to retreat and increase their forces. Also, in early 1778, France recognized American independence and became an ally. The war got more expensive â€Å"and the British population debated its necessity† (â€Å"The American Revolution.†). Soldiers were tired and far from home. â€Å"Military orders, troops, and supplies sometimes took months to reach their destinations† (â€Å"The American Revolution.†). It all offered hope and courage to continue the struggle for independence. In conclusion, it should be said that Americans showed the ir strength of will and powerful faith. Despite all the difficulties, they sustained the Revolution and won the war.ReferenceThe American Revolution. (n.d.). In U.S. History Online Textbook. Retrieved from ushistory.org/us/11.asp

Monday, November 4, 2019

Analysis of Human Migration

An Analysis of Human Migration Ever since humans learnt to grow crops as a steady source of food humans have migrated In search of conditions better suited to their needs and comforts. Although all of us but the 30-40 million that choose to live the nomadic life have abandoned that lifestyle and moved on to a more civilized modern era, migration still remains an option for those of us seeking to take residence In an alternate region of mother earth. The National Geographic Society [1] defines human migration as The movement of people from one place in the world to another for the purpose of taking up ermanent or semipermanent residence, usually across a political boundary. Migration Inside a landmass or political region Is called Internet migration and outside a physical or political border Is called external migration. For example Inside moving inside the continent of Australia would be internal migration but moving into a different continent overseas would be external migration. There are a variety of causes for migration, but they havent changed much through the years and remain fairly similar to the reasons our ancestors chose to migrate. These reasons can be categorized into two sections; these being push factors and pull factors. Push factors are reasons for leaving a region because of negative properties of the location and Pull factors are reasons for moving into a place because of positive properties of a location. Such factors can further be divided Into Environmental factors like climate, Political Factors Ilke war, Economic factors Ilke work, cultural factors Ilke education and utility factors like geographic location and socioeconomic status. Statistically speaking, the humans are extremely successful as a species. The 7 billionth human was born not long ago and the 10 billionth Is not far away, calculated to be born around the end of the century. The human race Is not only vast, we are also incredibly diverse and this is what defines us as a species. Meaning when we lost a part of our culture we lose a bit of what it means to be human. This brings us to one of the biggest drawbacks of migration, known as Cultural Extinction. Cultural extinction occurs when a family that Is part of a smaller culture migrates and the next generation of the respective family is only exposed to the native language and culture, since culture and tradition is only carried through families, the prospective bearer of this culture is burned out, ending a vein of this precious cultural blood. But our cultural diversity Itself poses a question. How Is It that we as a human race are so diverse in culture, and yet so similar? A research project named The Genographic project Was created by Spencer Wells for the purpose of answering this question and tracing human movement in prehistoric times. Even though the fields of palaeoanthropology and archaeology already enable us to access this Information, the Genographic project uses a newer method that allows us to find out how closely we are related to each other, enabling us to map out a family tree going back millions IOF4

Saturday, November 2, 2019

LASA 2 - The Case For or Against New Orleans Study

LASA 2 - The For or Against New Orleans - Case Study Example Objectives This research and case study aims to establish the facts about the damages caused by Hurricane Katrina, considering both the short-term losses as well as the long-term potential losses in the event that nothing or little is done to reconstruct and prevent a similar calamity. On the basis of facts, it also aims to discover advantages and disadvantages, risks and opportunities of substantial investments which will be required to allow New Orleans to prevent another level-5 disaster. Finally, a Cost-Benefit Analysis will be formulated to arrive at a recommended decision about the budget that should be allocated for the reconstruction. Alternative Courses of Action A. Proceed with funding the ongoing development of New Orleans until Level 5 standards are achieved. B. Cut down the funding and stagger developments in New Orleans. C. Stop funding the NOLA development. Areas of Consideration and Analysis Risks Involved By reconstructing the levee with a standard capable of withsta nding a Level 5 hurricane similar to Katrina, the substantial productivity of New Orleans will not be stopped as it did when 400,000 people evacuated the place and 124,000 lost their jobs. ... Costs and Benefits What are the costs and benefits of the New Orleans Flood Protection System, according to Hallegatte, Stephanie (2005)? As to the effects of climate change, it includes the increase of intensity in the power of hurricanes (p.5). This implies a greater need for stronger and higher levees to protect New Orleans against another major flood. The estimated cost from the viewpoint of local officials was $ 32 billion. Another estimate which considered loss of human lives and the views of insurance companies amounted to $ 30 billion. Hallegatte admitted that the basis for calculating the justifiable budget was not solidly grounded (p.4). This was apparently due to a failure to consider the productivity of people in the area which would cease to be delivered if the workers of New Orleans decide not to be established in New Orleans. In a study of workers’ productivity, the report cited that Americans are most productive on the average per worker. Each one can produce à ¢â‚¬Å"$63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, followed by Luxwmbourg at $55,641, Belgium at $ 55,235 and France at $ 54,609.† according to Klapper, Bradley S. (2007) of Associated Press. This opportunity loss should be the major basis for deciding to what extent New Orleans should be rebuilt, for the simple reason that $63,885 x 124,000 people who lost their jobs = $ 7.9 billion per year. In 130 years, which is the number of years it might take before another major flood tries to destroy a reconstructed New Orleans, the workers of New Orleans will have produced $ 1.027 Trillion worth of wealth for the USA. In another report about