Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Photographer I Chose William Henry Jackson - 1494 Words

The photographer I chose is William Henry Jackson. This photographer stood out to me because his photography was outstanding especially of the great outdoors. After going through the pain staking process of choosing a photographer he really stood out the most because of his photos of the outdoors. Even though he is an amazing artist he did marvelous work in the American West. He was more than just a photographer he also did some work as a painter in his early and later parts of his career. William Henry Jackson was also a publisher like most artists are. But, he was always a lover of art. Early in his career at the age of 19 in 1862 he joined as a private in Company K of the 12th Vermont Infantry of the Union Army. He served during the American Civil War for about nine months and during his time he fought in a major battle, which was the Battle of Gettysburg. He spent most of his time sketching during his time in the army. He was assigned to guarding a supply train. In 1863 his regim ent was dismissed. William Henry Jackson was well known for his photography of the American West. The reason he did photography about the American West was because in 1866 his brother and William took a Union Pacific Railroad train to the last stop which was near Nebraska. He then got a job as a bullwhacker on a wagon train. This company traveled along the Oregon Trail. In Omaha he open up a photography business with his brother in 1867. He did many long excursions in the Omaha region toShow MoreRelatedAndy Warhol Essay1589 Words   |  7 Pagesbringing a new form of art to the forefront of an ever changing artworld in the 1960`s. I am interested in the field of commercial and graphic art and its connection to advertising. Thats why I have chosen Warhol as my subject for this essay. Im going to focus on the techniques and images he used on his paintings. Andy Warhol is one of the worlds most renown artists. He was a painter, a photographer, a filmmaker, a publisher of Interview magazine and he loved a good party. Andy reflectedRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words   |  102 Pagessuccess! In the first half of the poem, I said that our school had the finest teachers there ever were. And in the latter half, I said our class was the greatest class ever graduated. Naturally, everybody applauded loudly. In 1916, the Clark family moved to Cleveland and lived in a basement apartment. Housing for blacks was almost nonexistent, and rents were high because of the migration of Southern blacks to Northern industrial cities during World War I. White European immigrants also lived inRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesso-called ‘Second Summer of Love’, strongly associated with recreational drugs. By the early 1990s, drug-dealing in its most ugly sense had become part of the dance culture. Palumbo recalled: When I came into this business, with my bonuses and my nice City suits, I was completely naà ¯ve. Just a joke. I found that every Friday and Saturday night my door was taking  £30,000 and the security team was making  £40,000 on Ecstasy. It happens everywhere in the UK leisure business. There are all these fatRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pagesinformation science text series) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978–1–59158–408–7 (alk. paper) ISBN 978–1–59158–406–3 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Library administration—United States. 2. Information services— United States—Management. I. Moran, Barbara B. II. Title. Z678.S799 2007 025.1—dc22 2007007922 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright  © 2007 by Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproducedRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagescases, examples and good summaries for every chapter. Professor Martin Lindell, Hanken Business School, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland This book makes it easie r to understand the current stand of organization theory. I strongly recommend it to anyone seriously interested in the different intellectual traditions that contribute to our understanding of organizations. Professor Tomas Mà ¼llern, Jà ¶nkà ¶ping International Business School, Sweden . McAuley, Duberley andRead MoreBhopal Gas Disaster84210 Words   |  337 Pageschalked out under the supervision of a Constitution Bench headed by then Chief Justice of India RS Pathak. The court will also decide on the question whether this application challenging the 3 25 Years After Bhopal Gas Disaster â€Å"After the accident I used to have fever. My babies inherited the same disease and they all died in their infancy,† said 40year-old Shanti Naidu, resident of Shankar Nagar in Bhopal. The fate of 60-year- old Tusi Bai is the same. While his son has been diagnosed with tuberculosis

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